Hvanndalir from Héðinsfjörður

Distance: 6-7 kilometres. Route: Vík – Víkurhólar – Víkurbyrða – Vestaravik - Hvanndalir.
Maximum elevation: approximately 800 metres. Hiking time: 4-5 hours.

The hike starts from the abandoned farm Vík in Héðinsfjörður and you go north along the Víkurhóla hills in the mouth of Víkurdalur valley. To the north-east towers Víkurbyrða mountain. The best way to go up Byrða mountain is to hike along the shoulder where the south-western and the western sides of the mountain are joined – this is a relatively steep route but easily doable. When you get to the mountain ridge, you have a view that reaches far and wide. From there the trail leads down Vestaravík recess, which lies in a curve and leads down to the bottom of Hvanndala valley, and from there you follow a 2 km long route along Hvanndalaá river out towards the seafront. Here a breath-taking magnificence reigns in all directions. To the west, the Hvanndalabyrða mountain encloses the bottom of the valley. To the east Miðdegishyrna mountain and mount Hádegisfjall rise up above the landscape, the latter being closer to the sea. The SVFÍ emergency shelter stands on the high seafront and to the west of the river the ruins of the last Hvanndalabær farmhouse can be seen. To the east of the river, you find the Ódáinsakur farm, which features ancient ruins. From here, the route goes east to Selskál basin, a horseshoe-shaped mountain ‘hall’ reminiscent of a concert hall created by nature. The last occupants in Hvanndalir left in 1895. One of the reasons for which Hvanneyrarhreppur bought the farm was so that the homestead would remain abandoned.