
The preschool is the first level of education (the level of the school system) and the beginning of the schooling of children (formal education of individuals.)

Preschools work according to the Act on Preschools no. 90/2008, regulation on the preschool activities no. 655/2009 and the National Curriculum Guide for Preschools issued by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture 2011.

Fjallabyggðar Kindergarten is open from 7:45 - 16:15 every weekday.

Preschools in Fjallabyggð are two:

Preschool Leikskálar

Kindergarten Leikskálar was put into operation in the fall of 1993. Now he is part of Fjallabyggð Prescholl together with Leikhólar in Ólafsfjörður since 2010. In the Leikskálar there are 81 children aged 1-5 and the wards are five, Nautaskál, Hvanneyrarskál, Skollaskál, Selskál and Núpaskál

Handbook Leikskála

Leikskálar address:  

Brekkugötu 2, Siglufirði
Sími 464-9145

Prechool Leikhólar

The preschool Leikhólar was founded in 1982. Now he is part of Fjallabyggð Playschool along with Playskálar in Siglufjörður. In the nursery there are 44 children aged 1-5 and the wards are three, Álfhóll, Hulduhóll and Tröllahóll.

Parents handbook for Leikhóla

Leikhólar address  

Ólafsvegi 25, Ólafsfirði
Sími 464-9240